1. Chovitz, Bernard, “John Aloysius O’Keefe: 13 October 1916 to 8 September 2000,” International Association of Geodesy Newsletter, January 2001.
2. Gray, M., Angle of Attack: Harrison Storms and the Race to the Moon. W.W. Norton, New York, 1992.
3. Henriksen, S.W. and J. Pamelia Anderson, “A Rough Measurement of the Geodetic Relationship of Europe to North America Using Visually Observed Occultations.” Army Map Service Technical Report No. 18. (Confidential) U.S. Army Map Service, Washington D.C., 1955.
4. Henriksen, S.W., SH. Genatt, M.Q. Marchant and C.D. Batchlor, “Surveying By Occultations.” Astronomical Journal. Vol. 63, July, 1958. pp. 291–295.
5. Henriksen, S. W., “The Applications of Occultations to Geodesy,” Army Map Service, Technical Report No. 46, Defense Documentation Center for Scientific and Technical Information, Cameron Station, Alexandria, Virginia, December, 1962. pp. 1–98. (UNCLASSIFIED).