1. F. L. LaQue, “Marine Corrosion”,
Chapter 6
, John Wiley, New York (1975).
2. G. Butler and H. C. K. Ison, “Corrosion and Its Prevention in Waters”, p. 104, Leonard Hill, London (1966).
3. H. Kaesche, “Metallic Corrosion”, p. 293, National Association of Corrosion Engineers, Houston, TX (1985).
4. G. Butler, P. E. Francis, and A. S. McKie, Corros. Sci., 9, 715 (1969).
5. H. E. Townsend, L. Allegra, R. J. Dutton, and S. A. Kriner, Mater. Perform., 25 (8), 36 (1986).