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5. Grün, Rainer 1997 Electron Spin Resonance Dating. In Chronometric Dating in Archaeology, Advances in Archaeological and Museum Science, vol. 2, edited by R. E. Taylor and M. J. Aitken, pp. 217–260. Plenum, New York. 1998 Reproducibility Measurements for ESR Signal Intensity and Dose Determination: High Precision but Doubtful Accuracy. Radiation Measurements 29(2):177–193. 2000 Electron Spin Resonance Dating. In Modern Analytical Methods in Art and Archaeology, Chemical Analysis Series, vol. 155, edited by Enrico Ciliberto and Giuseppe Spoto, pp. 641–679. Wiley, New York. 2001 Trapped Charge Dating (ESR, TL, OSL). In Handbook of Archaeological Sciences, edited by D. R. Brothwell and A. M. Pollard, pp. 47–62. Wiley, Chichester.