1. Avižienis, A., “Design of Fault-Tolerant Computers,” AFIPS Conference Proceedings, 1967 Fall Joint Computer Conference, Vol. 31, Washington D.C.: Thompson, 1967, pp. 733–743.
2. “Proceedings of the Second Symposium on Large-Scale Digital Calculating Machinery,” Sept. 13–16, 1949, Annals Computation Lab., Harvard University, Vol. XVI, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1951.
3. Proceedings of the Joint AIEE-IRE Computer Conference, Dec. 10–12, 1951.
4. “Information Processing Systems - Reliability and Requirements”, Proceedings of Eastern Joint Computer Conference, December, 1953.
5. Session 14: “Symposium: Diagnostic Programs and Marginal Checking for Large Scale Digital Computers,” in Convention Record of the IRE 1953 National Convention, part 7, New York, N.Y., March 1953, pp. 48–71.