1. TL Kunii (1998) Pax Japonica (in Japanese), President Co. Ltd, Tokyo, October.
2. TL Kunii (1989) creating a new world inside computers — methods and implications, inProceedings of the Seventh Annual Conference of the Australian Society for Computers in
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Tertiary Education (ASCILITE 89)(eds. G Bishop and J Baker), pp. 28–51. Also available as Technical Report 89–034, Dept. of Information Science, The University of Tokyo.
3. TL Kunii (1998) The architecture of synthetic worlds, inCyberworlds(eds. TL Kunii and A Luciani), pp. 19–30, Tokyo, Springer-Verlag.
4. S Hawking and R Penrose (1996)The Nature of Space and TimeNew Jersey, Princeton University Press.
5. F Fritsch and RA Piccinini (1990)Cellular Structures in TopologyCambridge, Cambridge University Press.