1. GL Burn [April 1990], “The evaluation transformer model of reduction and its correctness,” in TAPSOFT 91, Brighton.
2. GL Burn, CL Hankin & S Abramsky [Nov 1986], “Strictness analysis for higher order functions,” Science of Computer Programming 7, 249–278.
3. S Finne & G Burn [June 1993], “Assessing the evaluation transformer model of reduction on the spineless G-machine,” in Proc Functional Programming Languages and Computer Architecture, Copenhagen, ACM, 331–340.
4. CV Hall [July 1993], “A framework for optimising abstract data types,” in Glasgow Functional Programming Workshop, Ayr.
5. DB Howe & GL Burn [July 1993], “Using strictness in the STG machine,” in Glasgow Functional Programming Workshop, Ayr.