1. Bergeron P (1986): A general version of Crow’s shadow volumes, IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications. 6(9), 1986, 17–28
2. Blinn J. (1988): Me and my (fake) shadow. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications. 8(1), Jan. 1988, 82–86 (reprinted in the book:„Jim Blinn’s Corner: A trip down the graphics pipeline”, 1996)
3. Blythe D, McReynolds T (1999): Advanced graphics programming techniques using OpenGL, Siggraph’ 99 Course Notes.
4. Bogart, R.G (1991), View Correlation. Graphics Gems II. James (Ed.), Academic Press, 1991, 181–190
5. Crow F (1977): Shadow algorithms for computer graphics, ACM Computer Graphics. 11(3), 1977, 242–248.