1. Harley JH (1988) Naturally occurring sources of radioactive contamination. In: Carter MW (ed) Radionuclides in the food chain. Springer-Verlag, New York, pp 58–71 (see Chap 6 of this monograph)
2. National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (1987) Ionizing radiation exposure of the population of the United States. National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements, NCRP Report 93, Bethesda, Maryland
3. National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (1987) Exposure to the population in the United States and Canada from natural background radiation. National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements, NCRP Report 94, Bethesda, Maryland
4. Jacobi W (1988) Assessment of dose from man-made sources. In: Carter MW (ed) Radionuclides in the food chain. Springer-Verlag, New York, pp 45–57 (see Chap 5 of this monograph)
5. Eisenbud M (1973) Environmental radioactivity. Academic Press, New York