1. R. H. A. Farias and E. Recami, Introduction of a quantum of time (chronon), and its consequences for quantum mechanics, Report IC/98/74 (JCTP; Trieste, 1998), appeared in preliminary form c/o the LanI Archives as the e-print quant-ph/9706059. Cf. also R. H. A. Farias: Introduction of a ‘quantun’of time into the formalism of quantum mechanics, PhD Thesis, E. Recami supervisor (Campinas, S.P.; UNICAMP; 1994).
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3. W. H. Zurek, Phys. Rev. D26 (1982) 1862
4. J. A. Wheeler and W. H. Zurek (eds.). Quantum Theory and Measurement (Princeton NJ, Princeton, U.P., 1983)
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