1. A.O.A.C. (1984). Official Methods of Analysis. Association of Official Analytical Chemists. 13th edition. (Ed. Harwitz, W.), A.O.A.C., Washington, D.C.
2. A.O.A.C. (1995). Modification of tannin estimation by Folin-Denis reagent (Konard, D., Christensen, I.A.E.A., 1974) A.O.A.C., Washington, D.C.
3. A.O.A.C. (1962). Official Methods of American Association of Cereal Chemists. A.O.A.C., Washington, D.C., pp. 14–50.
4. A.O.A.C. (1965). Official Methods of Analysis. Association of Official Analytical Chemists. 10th Edition. A.O.A.C., Washington, D.C.
5. A.O.A.C. (1970). Official Methods of Analysis. Association of Official Analytical Chemists. 11th edition. A.O.A.C., Washington, D.C., p 815.