1. W.W. Duley, Laser Processing and Analysis of Materials. Plenum Press, New York, 1983 (ISBN 0-306-41067-2)
2. W.M. Steen. Laser Material Processing. Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York, 1991 (ISBN 3-540-19670-6 (UK); ISBN 0-387-19670-6 (USA))
3. J. Bellis (ed.). Lasers; Operation, Equipment, Application and Design. Prepared by the engineering staff of Coherent Inc. McGraw Hill, 1980 (ISBN 0-07-011593-1)
4. E.A. Metzbower (ed.). Source Book on Applications of the Laser in Metal Working. American Society for Metals, 1981
5. M. Bass (ed.). Laser Materials Processing. North Holland, Amsterdam, 1983