1. V. S. Varadarajan, Unitary representations of super Lie groups and some applications, The Math. Student Special Centenary Volume, (2007), 33–57.
2. Riemann’s inaugural address is included in his Collected Works: Bernhard Riemann: Collected Papers, R. Narasimhan, (ed.), Springer Verlag, 1990. There are English translations of Riemann’s talk by W. K. Clifford and M. Spivak. In addition, the Collected Papers contains Weyl’s annotated remarks on Riemann’s talk.
3. W. K. Clifford,On the space-theory of matter, Mathematical Papers, Chelsea, 1968.
4. M. Spivak, Differential geometry, Vol II, Publish or Perish Inc, 1979.
5. H. Weyl, The Concept of a Riemann Surface, Dover, 2009. This is a reproduction of the translation of the second edition of the classic original which was published by B. G. Teubner in 1913 and was called Die Idee der Riemannschen Fläche, based on his lectures at Göttingen in the years 1911–1912.