1. Lubaroff, D. M, G. W. Butcher, C. DeWitt, T. Gill, E. Günther, J. Howard & K. Wonigeit. 1983. Standardized nomenclature for the rat T-cell alloantigens-report of the commitee. Transplant. Proc. 15: 1683.
2. Butcher, G. W. & J. C. Howard. 1977. An alloantigenic system on rat peripheral T cells. Rat Newsletter 1: 12.
3. Lubaroff, D. M, D. L. Greiner & C. W. Reynolds. 1979. Investigations of T-Lymphocyte subpopulations in the rat using alloantigenic markers. Transplant. Proc. 11: 1092.
4. DeWitt, C. W. & M. McCullough. 1975. Ag-F: serological and genetic identification of a new locus in the rat governing lymphocyte membrane antigens. Transplantation 19: 310.
5. Wonigeit, K. & E. Gunther. 1977. Differentiation antigens of T lymphocytes. Rat Newsletter 2: 12.