1. Harrison P G and Patel N M. Performance modelling of Communication Networks and Computer Architectures. Addison-Wesley, 1993.
2. Harrison P G and Strulo B. Process Algebra for Discrete Event Simulation. Workshop on Formalisms, Principles and state-of-the-art, Erlangen, September 1993.
3. Grant-Duff Z and Harrison P G. Homomorphisms for parallel program synthesis. Research Report, Department of Computing, Imperial College, 1995.
4. Harrison P G and Hillston J. Exploiting quasi-reversible structures to find product form solutions in Markovian process algebra models. Proceedings of the 3rd workshop on Process Algebras and Performance Modelling, June 1995.
5. Hillston J. A Compositional approach to Performance Modelling PhD thesis, University of Edinbrough, 1994.