1. LNCS;T Amtoft,2004
2. Amtoft T, Banerjee A (2007a) A logic for information flow analysis with an application to forward slicing of simple imperative programs. Sci Comp Prog 64(1):3–28
3. Amtoft T, Banerjee A (2007b) Verification condition generation for conditional information flow. In: 5th ACM workshop on formal methods in security engineering (FMSE), a long version, with proofs, appears as technical report CIS TR 2007-2, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, pp 2–11
4. Amtoft T, Bandhakavi S, Banerjee A (2006) A logic for information flow in object-oriented programs. In: 33rd Principles of programming languages (POPL), pp 91–102
5. Amtoft T, Hatcliff J, Rodriguez E, Robby, Hoag J, Greve D (2007) Specification and checking of software contracts for conditional information flow (extended version). Technical report SAnToS-TR2007-5, CIS Department, Kansas State University. Available at