1. R. Cross, Am. J. Phys. 76, 908–915 (2008)
2. S.P. Hendee, R.M. Greenwald, J.J. Crisco, J. Appl. Biomech. 14, 390–400 (1998)
3. L.V. Smith, A. Ison, in Rigid Wall Effects on Softball Coefficient of Restitution Measurements, ed. by Moritz, Haake. The Engineering of Sport 6, Developments for Sports, vol. 6, Munich, Germany (Springer, Heidelberg, 2006), pp. 29–34; More extensive data on the COR of softballs can be found in J. Duris, Experimental and numerical characterization of softballs, MSc in Mech Eng thesis, University of Washington, 2004
4. R. Cross, Am. J. Phys. 68, 1025–1031 (2000)
5. P.J. Drane, J.A. Sherwood, Characterization of the effect of temperature on baseball COR performance, in 5th International Conference on the Engineering of Sport, vol. 2 (UC Davis, CA, 2004), pp. 59–65