1. M.A. Adelman, Finding-development costs in the United States 1918–1988, in:Advances in the Economics of Energy and Resources, J.R. Moroney, ed., JAI Press, Greenwich, Connecticut, 1991.
2. M.A. Adelman, USA oil/gas production cost: Recent changes, Energy Economics 13(1991) 235–237.
3. D.R. Bohi and M.A. Toman,Analyzing Nonrenewable Resource Supply, Resources for the Future, Washington, DC, 1984.
4. S.L. McDonald and S. Thore, Measuring and implementing the security premium on imported oil with depleting resource base, presented atSociety of Petroleum Engineers Symposium on Energy, Finance and Taxation Policies, Washington, DC, September 1988; reprinted in theProceedings of the symposium, 1988.
5. S.L. McDonald and S. Thore, Auctioned quotas to limit U.S. imports, Journal of Petroleum Technology 41(1989)1332–1334. See also: Authors' reply to discussion of auctioned quotas to limit U.S. imports, Journal of Petroleum Technology 42(1990)101–102.