1. BARKER, R. G. (1948). The social psychology of physical disability. Journal of Social Issues, 4 (4), 28–38.
2. BARKER, R. G., & WRIGHT, B. A. (1954). Disablement: The somatopsychological problem. In E. D. Wittkower & R. A. Cleghorn (), Recent developments in psychosomatic medicine (pp. 419–435). Philadelphia: Lippincott.
3. BARKER, R. G., WRIGHT, B. A., MYERSON, L., & GONICK, M. R. (1953). Adjustment to physical handicap and illness: A survey of the social psychology of physique and disability. (2nd ed.). New York: Social Science Research Council Bulletin 55.
4. DEMBO, T. E., LEVITON, G. L., & WRIGHT, B. A. (1956/1975). Adjustment to misfortune: A problem of social-psychological rehabilitation. Rehabilitation Psychology, 22 (1), 100. (Also published in Artificial Limbs, 1956, 3, 4-62.)
5. DIRKS, J. F., JONES, N. F., & KINSMAN, R. A. (1977). Panic-fear. A personality dimension related to intractability in asthma. Psychosomatic Medicine, 39(2), 120–126.