1. NotablyHistorical Methods Newsletter: Quantitative Analysis of Social, Economic, and Political Development, published since Dec., 1967, by the history department of the University of Pittsburgh; and the newJournal of Interdisciplinary History, published by M.I.T. Press (1970- ).
2. William O. Aydelotte, “Quantification in History,”American Historical Review 71 (Apr., 1966):803–25; Jacob M. Price, “Recent Quantitative Work in History: A Survey of the Main Trends,”History and Theory, Studies in the Philosophy of History, Beiheft 9 (1969):1–13; Richard Jensen and Charles M. Dollar,Quantitative Historical Research (New York, 1970); Don K. Rowney and James Q. Graham, ed.,Quantitative History: Selected Readings in the Quantitative Analysis of Historical Data (Homewood, Ill., 1969); and Robert P. Swierenga, ed.,Quantification in American History: Theory and Research (New York, 1970). The literature of comment is inCHum, Historical Methods Newsletter, Edmund A. Bowles, ed.,Computers in Humanistic Research: Readings and Perspectives (Englewood Cliffs, 1967), and the items cited above in this note.
3. A sound critique on the theoretical level is Robert F. Berkhofer, Jr.,A Behavioral Approach to Historical Analysis (New York, 1969). See also Dwight W. Hoover, “Political Behavioralism in American History: A Case Study,”Indiana Academy of the Social Sciences, Proceedings, 1967, Third Series 2 (1967):144–60; George G. S. Murphy, “Historical Investigation and Automatic Data Processing Equipment,”CHum 3, 1 (Sept. 1968):1–13; Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., “The Humanist Looks at Empirical Social Research,”American Sociological Review 27 (Dec. 1962):768–71. New Left Historians have largely rejected the social sciences and the new statistical methodology but they have not yet published any major critiques. Urwin Unger, “The ‘New Left’ and American History: Some Recent Trends in United States Historiography,”American Historical Review 62 (July 1967):1262.
4. Lance E. Davis, “‘And It Will Never Be Literature’: The New Economic History, A Critique,”Explorations in Entrepreneurial History, Second Series 6 (Fall, 1968):75–92.
5. Research Bulletin;William G. Murray,1933