1. W. M. McKewan:Steelmaking, The Chipman Conference, pp. 141–55, MIT Press, 1965;Trans. TMS-AIME, 1960, vol. 218, pp. 2–6.
2. J. M. Quets, M. E. Wadsworth, and J. R. Lewis:Trans. TMS-AIME, 1960, vol. 218, pp. 545–50;Trans. TMS-AIME, 1961, vol. 221, pp. 1186–93.
3. N. J. Themelis and W. H. Gauvin:A.I.Ch.E.J., 1962, vol. 8, pp. 437–44;Trans. TMS-AIME, 1963, vol. 227, pp. 290–300.
4. N. A. Warner:Trans. TMS-AIME, 1964, vol. 230, pp. 163–78.
5. R. H. Spitzer, F. S. Manning, and W. O. Philbrook:Trans. TMS-AIME, 1966, vol. 236, pp. 726–42.