1. V. D. Sadovskii, K. A. Malyshev and B. G. Sazonov, Transformations during Heating of Steel, Metallurgizdat, 1954.
2. Same authors, Methods of Grain Refining of Cast Alloy Steel by Heat Treatment, Trudy Inst. Fiz. Metal., No. 17, published by the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1956.
3. B. G. Sazonov and A. S. Zlatkina, Effect of Heating Rate on the Extent of Recrystallization of Previously Quenched Steel, Ibid.
4. K. A. Malyshev, V. D. Sadovskii, and B. G. Sazonov, Recrystallization of Austenite Resulting from Internal Strain Hardening. Conference Report. Mashgiz, 1950.
5. V. D. Sadovskii, K. A. Malyshev, and B. G. Sazonov, Concerning Chernov's Critical Point ?b?. Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, OTN, #1, 68?81.