1. Ahmad, J. (1981) Studies on digenetic trematodes from marine fishes from the Bay of Bengal. Part 16. Rivista di Parassitologia, 42, 403–413.
2. Angel, L.M. (1971) Burnellus gen. nov. (Digenea: Fellodistomatidae), the life history of the type species, B. trichofurcatus (Johnston & Angel, 1940), and a note on a related species, Tandanicola bancrofti Johnston, 1927, both from the Australian freshwater catfish, Tandanus tandanus. Parasitology, 62, 375–384.
3. Bilqees, F.M. (1970) Monodhelmis elongatus, a new trematode from Erethistes elongata of Karachi coast. Pakistan Journal of Zoology, 2, 43–45.
4. Bilqees, F.M. (1980) A record of five trematodes from the fishes of Karachi coast, Pakistan. Acta Parasitologica Polonica, 26, 107–114.
5. Bilqees, F.M. (1981) Digenetic trematodes fishes of Karachi coast. Kifayat Academy: Karachi, 207 pp.