1. G. W. Hughes, G. J. Brucker, ‘ Radiation Hardened MOS Technology,’ Solid State Technology, p. 7, 7/79.0
2. D. K. Meyers, ‘ What Happens to Semiconductors in a Nuclear Environment,’ Electronics, p. 131, 3/16/78.
3. T. C. May, M. H. Woods, ‘ A New Physical Mechanism for Soft Errors in Dynamic Memories,’ 16th Annual Proceedings, Reliability Physics 1978, IEEE Cat. No. 78CH1294-8PHY, p. 33, 1978.
4. T. C. May, M. H. Woods, ‘ Alpha Particle-Induced Soft Errors in Dynamic Memories,’ IEEE Trans, on Elec. Devices, Vol. ED–26, p.3, 1979.
5. T. C. May, ‘ Soft Errors in VLSI - Present and Future,’ IEEE Trans. Components, Hybrids, and Manufacturing Technology, Vol. CHMT-2, p. 377, 1979.