1. “The Ecstall Story,” Canadian Mining and Metallurgical Bulletin, 67 (745), May, 1974, 95 pages.
2. R. J. Tait, P. R. Clarke, and M. P. Amsden, “Process Control at the Ecstall Concentrator,” AIME World Symposium on Mining and Metallurgy of Lead and Zinc, Volume 1, AIME, New York, New York, 1970, pp. 571–595.
3. “Electrolytic Zinc Plant is Latest Addition to Growing Texasgulf Complex…,” Engineering and Mining Journal, July 1972.
4. M. P. Amsden, R. M. Sweetin, and D. G. Treilhard, “Selection and Design of Texasgulf Canada’s Copper Smelter and Refinery,” Journal of Metals, 30(7) (1978), pp. 16–26.
5. L. E. Laforest, U. Nakano, and M. de Laplante, “Kidd Smelter, Commitment to a Clean Environment,” in Advances in Sulfide Smelting, edited by H.Y. Sohn, D.B. George, and A.D. Zunkel, The Metallurgical Society of AIME, Warrendale, Pennsylvania, 1983, pp. 977–996.