1. A. F. Hoenieet al: Determination of Mechanical Property Design Values for 18Ni-Co-Mo 250- and 300-Grade Maraging Steel, Technical Report AFML-TR-65-197, Air Force Materials Laboratory, July 1965.
2. S. V. Arnold: Aging Response of 18% Ni-Co-Mo Maraging Steel, Technical Report WAL TR320 1/11, Watertown Arsenal Laboratories, February 1963.
3. J. E. Campbell, F. J. Barone, and D. P. Moon: The Mechanical Properties of the 18 Percent Nickel Maraging Steels, DMIC Report 198, February 24, 1964.
4. E. B. Kula and C. F. Hickey, Jr.: Evaluation of Maraging Steel at U. S. Army Materials Research Agency, Air Force Report RTD-TDR-63-4048, December 1963, pp. 439–55.
5. L. F. Porter: Metallurgical Factors Affecting the Toughness of Steels, Paper presented at the Conference on Fracture Control in Philadelphia, January 1970.