1. Evans, V. J., and W. F. Andresen. 1966. Effect of serum on spontaneous neoplastic transformationsin vitro. J. Nat. Cancer Inst. 37: 247–249.
2. Andresen, W. F., F. M. Price, J. L. Jackson, T. B. Dunn, and V. J. Evans. 1967. Characterization and spontaneous neoplastic transformation of mouse embryo cells isolated and continuously culturedin vitro in chemically defined medium NCTC 135. J. Nat. Cancer Inst. 38: 169–183.
3. Evans, V. J., G. A. Parker, and T. B. Dunn 1964. Neoplastic transformations in C3H mouse embryonic tissuein vitro determined by intraocular growth. I. Cells from chemically defined medium with and without serum supplement. J. Natl. Cancer Inst. 32: 89–121.
4. Sanford, K. K., H. K. Waltz, J. E. Shannon, Jr., W. R. Earle, and V. J. Evans. 1952. The effects of ultrafiltrates and residues of horse serum and chick-embryo extract on proliferation of cellsin vitro. J. Nat. Cancer Inst. 13: 121–137.
5. Evans, V. J. Unpublished data.