1. Anonymous (1928) Relatos del Normalista y Soldado, Verdaderas Causas de la Caída del Poder Público del Sr. Lic. Manuel Estrada Cabrera. Quetzaltenango: Tipografia Occidental.
2. BAKER, R. K., (1966) A Study of Military Status and Status Deprivation in Three Latin American Armies. Washington, D.C.: The American University, Center for Research in Social Systems.
3. BARBER, W. F., and C. N. RONNING (1966) Internal Security and Military Power: Counter-Insurgency and Civic Action in Latin America. Columbus: Ohio State University Press.
4. BUTTREY, J. (1967) “The Guatemalan Military, 1944–1963: An Interpretive Essay.” (Ms. in author’s possession)
5. GASTELLANOS, P. Z. (1935) El grito de independencia. Guatemala: Tipografia Nacional (Cited in Jean Henry, “The Guatemalan Military, 1820-Present”. Ms., 1965 (in author’s possession).