1. P. Albrecht, W.R. Andrews, J.P. Gudas, J.A. Joyce, F.J. Loss, D.E. McCabe, D.W. Schmidt, and W.A. VanDerSluys, Journal of Testing and Evaluation 10 (1982) 245.
2. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Part 10, Standard E813–81, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia (1981).
3. G.A. Clarke, W.R. Andrews, P.C. Paris, and D.W. Schmidt, STP 590, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia (1976) 27.
4. H.A. Ernst, P.C. Paris, and J.D. Landes, STP 743, American Society for Testing and Materials, Phildelphia (1981) 476.
5. J.D.G. Sumpter and C.E. Turner, STP 601, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia (1976) 3.