Soft limits of Yang-Mills amplitudes and conformal correlators


Fan Wei,Fotopoulos Angelos,Taylor Tomasz R.


Abstract We study tree-level celestial amplitudes in Yang-Mills theory — Mellin transforms of multi-gluon scattering amplitudes that convert them into the correlators of conformal primary fields on two-dimensional celestial sphere. By using purely field-theoretical methods, we show that the soft conformal limit of celestial amplitudes, in which one of the primary field operators associated to gauge bosons becomes a dimension one current, is dominated by the contributions of low-energy soft particles. This result confirms conclusions reached by using Yang-Mills theory formulated in curvilinear coordinates, as pioneered by Strominger. By using well-known collinear limits of Yang-Mills amplitudes, we derive the OPE rules for the primary fields and the holomorphic currents arising in the conformally soft limit. The Ward identities following from OPE have the same form as the identities derived by using soft theorems.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Nuclear and High Energy Physics

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1. A hidden 2d CFT for self-dual Yang-Mills on the celestial sphere;Journal of High Energy Physics;2024-08-05

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4. Celestial soft currents at one-loop and their OPEs;Journal of High Energy Physics;2024-07-04

5. Infrared structures of scattering on self-dual radiative backgrounds;Journal of High Energy Physics;2024-06-13







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