Expanding the landscape of N $$ \mathcal{N} $$ = 2 rank 1 SCFTs


Argyres Philip C.,Lotito Matteo,Lü Yongchao,Martone Mario


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Nuclear and High Energy Physics

Reference42 articles.

1. P. Argyres, M. Lotito, Y. Lü and M. Martone, Geometric constraints on the space of N = 2 SCFTs I: physical constraints on relevant deformations, arXiv:1505.04814 [ INSPIRE ].

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1. Coulomb branch surgery: Holonomy saddles, S-folds and discrete symmetry gaugings;SciPost Physics;2024-09-05

2. $$ \mathcal{N} $$ = 5 SCFTs and quaternionic reflection groups;Journal of High Energy Physics;2024-08-05

3. Topological twists of massive SQCD, Part II;Letters in Mathematical Physics;2024-07-15

4. The Weil correspondence and universal special geometry;Journal of High Energy Physics;2024-07-03

5. Approaching Argyres-Douglas theories;Journal of High Energy Physics;2024-06-13








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