Phases of 5d SCFTs from M-/F-theory on non-flat fibrations


Apruzzi Fabio,Lin Ling,Mayrhofer Christoph


Abstract We initiate the systematic investigation of non-flat resolutions of non-minimal singularities in elliptically fibered Calabi-Yau threefolds. Compactification of M-theory on these geometries provides an alternative approach to studying phases of five-dimensional superconformal field theories (5d SCFTs). We argue that such resolutions capture non-trivial holonomies in the circle reduction of the 6d conformal matter theory that is the F-theory interpretation of the singular fibration. As these holonomies become mass deformations in the 5d theory, non-flat resolutions furnish a novel method in the attempt to classify 5d SCFTs through 6d SCFTs on a circle. A particularly pleasant aspect of this proposal is the explicit embedding of the 5d SCFT’s enhanced flavor group inside that of the parent 6d SCFT, which can be read off from the geometry. We demonstrate these features in toric examples which realize 5d theories up to rank four.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Nuclear and High Energy Physics

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