1. SNiP II-15-74, "Foundation Beds of Buildings and Structures," Stroiizdat, Moscow (1975).
2. SNiP II-B.1-62, "Foundation Beds of Buildings and Structures," Gosstroiizdat, Moscow (1962).
3. N. A. Tsytovich, Soil Mechanics [in Russian], 4th ed., Gosstroiizdat, Moscow (1963).
4. M. V. Malyshev, Soil Strength and the Bed Stability of Structures [in Russian], Stroiizdat, Moscow (1980).
5. M. N. Gol'dshtein, S. G. Kushner, and M. I. Shevchenko, Computations of the Settlement and Strength of Foundation Beds for Buildings and Structures [in Russian], Budivel'nik, Kiev (1977).