1. W. H. Barkas, P. H. Barrett, P. Cüer, H. Heckman, F. M. Smith and.H. K. Ticho:Phys. Rev.,102, 583 (1956).
2. H. A. Bethe andJ. Ashkin:Passage of Radiation through Matter, inExperimental Nuclear Physics.E. Segrè, Ed., vol. I (New York); alsoE. A. Uehling:Ann. Rev. of Nucl. Sci.,4, 315 (1954).
3. Letter fromC. Waller toE. Gross of 24 January 1956.
4. N. Bohr:Det. Kgl. Danske Vid. Selskab Mat.-fys. Medd.,18, 8 (1948).
5. W. H. Barkas:Phys. Rev.,89, 1019 (1953).