1. A. A. Azarashvili, in: The Limbic System of the Brain [in Russian], Pushchino-on-Oka (1973), p. 228.
2. A. A. Azarashvili and A. N. Cherkashin, Zh. Vyssh. Nerv. Deyat.,23, No. 6, 1225 (1973).
3. V. I. Arkhipov and A. A. Azarashvili, in: The Neurochemistry and Physiology of Synaptic Processes [in Russian], Pushchino-on-Oka (1976), p. 157.
4. V. V. Zakusov, The Pharmacology of Central Synapses [in Russian], Meditsina, Moscow (1973).
5. A. N. Cherkashin and A. A. Azarashvili, Zh. Vyssh. Nerv. Deyat.,22, No. 3, 504 (1972).