1. Anonymus 1963. Durability of water-resistant woodworking glues. USDA Forest Prod. Lab. Madison 1956 (Repr. 1963). FPL-Res. Pap. Nr. 1530, pp. 19
2. Anonymus 1973. Betriebsinterne Prüfung kaltbindender Montageleime für nichttragende Bauteile in Anlehnung an DIN 68 603 (E). Holz-Zbl.99: 838
3. ASTM-D-905. Strength properties of adhesives bonds in shear by compression loading
4. ASTM-D-1101: Standard method of test for integrity of glue joints in structural laminated wood products for exterior use
5. ASTM-D-1174: Standard method of test for effect of bacterial contamination on permanence of adhesive preparations and adhesives bonds