1. C. Clémençon, K. M. Decker, A. Endo, J. Fritscher,G. Jost, N. Masuda, A. Müller, R. Rühl, W. Sawyer, E. de Sturler, B. J. N. Wylie, and F. Zimmermann. Application-Driven Development of an Integrated Tool Environment for Distributed Memory Parallel Processors. In R. Rao and C. P. Ravikumar, editors, Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Parallel Processing (Bangalore, India, December 27–30), 1994.
2. C. Clémençon, J. Fritscher, and R. Rühl. Execution control, visualization and replay of massively parallel programs within Annai's debugging tool. In Proc. High Performance Computing Symposium, HPCS'95, Montréal, CA, July 1995.
3. C. Clémençon, A. Endo, J. Fritscher, A. Müller, R. Rühl, and B. J. N. Wylie. The “Annai” Environment for Portable Distributed Parallel Programming. In Hesham El-Rewini and Bruce D. Shriver, editors, Proc. of the 28th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Volume II (Maui, Hawaii, USA, 3–6 January, 1995), pages 242–251. IEEE Computer Society Press, January 1995.
4. A. Müller and R. Rühl. Extending HPF for the Support of Unstructured Computations. In Proc. ACM International Conference on Supercomputing, ICS'95, Barcelona, Spain, July 1995.
5. B. J. N. Wylie and A. Endo. Design and realization of the Annai integrated parallel programming environment performance monitor and analyser. Technical Report CSCS-TR-94-07, CSCS, CH-6928 Manno, Switzerland, November 1994.