1. • Fredriksen-Goldsen K, LGBT Aging and Health Report. This comprehensive, easy-to-read report describes the health disparities revealed in Caring and Aging with Pride, the first national federally-funded project to examine LGBT aging and health. 2011. It also offers useful statistics and demographics for the aging LGBT community.
2. Administration on Aging, A Profile of Older Americans: 2014. Administration on Aging Administration for Community Living U.S. Department of Health and Human Service, 2014.
3. Fredriksen-Goldsen K. The future of LGBT+ aging a blueprint for action in policies and research. GENER—J Am Soc Aging. 2016;40(2):6–15.
4. Choi SK, Meyer IH. LGBT aging: a review of research findings, needs, and policy implications, The Williams Institute, Editor. 2016.
5. SAGE, LGBT ElderAmericans Act 2012.