1. Bat-Ami, Miriam, “Revising history learning through the reading and writing of people stories: Using children's literature in the multi-disciplinary classroom,”Language Arts Journal of Michigan, 1991,7(2), 49–59.
2. Bat-Ami, Miriam, “A dialectical approach to the study of war in children's books,”Children's Literature in Education, 1993,24(2), 104–122.
3. Carlsson-Paige, Nancy, and Levin, Diane, “The Butter Battle Book: Uses and abuses with young children,”Young Children, 1986,41(3), 37–42.
4. Carlsson-Paige, Nancy, and Levin, Diane,Who's Calling the Shots?: How to Respond Effectively to Children's Fascination with War Play and War Toys. Philadelphia and Santa Cruz: New Society Publishers, 1990.
5. Emberley Barbara (adaptor),Drummer Hoff, Ed Emberley, Illus. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1967.