1. V. N. Troitskii, Ultrashort Radio Wave Propagation in Mountain Terrain [in Russian], Svyaz', Moscow (1968).
2. G. D. Malyuzhinets and L. A. Vainshtein, Radiotekh. Elektron.,6, No. 8, 1247 (1961).
3. L. A. Vainshtein and G. D. Malyuzhinets, Radiotekh. Electron.,6, No. 9, 1489 (1961).
4. P. A. Azrilyant and M. G. Belkina, Numerical Results of the Theory of Radio Wave Diffraction Around the Earth's Surface [in Russian], Sov. Radio, Moscow (1957).
5. V. A. Fok, Usp. Fiz. Nauk,43, No. 4, 587 (1950).