1. D. H. Hall, The interface between geoscience and industry: a case study of the interaction between research and the discovery and mining of ores for nuclear fuels,Scientometrics, 11 (1987) 199–216.
2. The GEOREF database arose from printed publications as follows: 1785–1928:Geologic Literature on North America. Geological Society of America; 1929–1970:Bibliography of North American Geology. Geological Society of America; 1933–1968:Bibliography and Index of Geology Exclusive of North America. Geological Society of America and American Geological Institute; 1969-Present:Bibliography and Index of Geology. Geological Society of America and American Geological Institute. The GEOREF computer database includes the above as well as theBibliography and Index of Micropalaentology (1972-present),Geophysical Abstracts (1966–71), andBibliography of Theses in Geology (1965–66). The types of literature contained in the GEOREF database are: scientific articles in journals; government geological survey and research publications; conference proceedings; monographs; theses; guidebooks; lexicons; maps; atlases; bibliographies; and annual reports.
3. Sources of petroleum production, drilling and exploration data used: — Basic Petroleum Data Book, (American Petroleum Institute) Vol. XI, No. 2, May, 1991);
4. World Energy Supplies 1929–50;
5. Yearbook of World Energy Statistics, United Nations Statistics Office (published annually).