1. S. Gill,A Process for the Step-by-Step Integration of Differential Equations in an Automatic Digital Computing Machine, Proc. Camb. phil. Soc.47, 96 (1951).
2. S. Lefschetz,Numerical Calculations in Nonlinear Mechanics, inProblems for the Numerical Analysis of the Future, Nr. 15 (1951), Applied Mathematics Series (National Bureau of Standards), p. 10.
3. N. Minorsky,Introduction to Non-Linear Mechanics (Edwards, 1947), pp. 113–115.
4. A. Andronow andC. Chaikin,Theory of Oscillations (S. Lefschetz, ed., Princeton, 1949), p. 343.
5. J. Stoker,Nonlinear Vibrations (Interscience, 1950), p. 134.