1. Arida, E. N.: Cell culture studies on some viruses affecting the central nervous system. 22nd Middle East Medical Assembly, American University of Beirut, May 4?7, 1972. M.E.M.A. printed matter, p. 12.
2. Arida, E. N.: Variations in certain metabolic activities of HeLa cells under the influence of steroid compounds. XIth International Cancer Congress, Florence, October 20?26, 1974. Abstracts, pp. 624?625.
3. Arida, E. N.: A new rapid cytochemical method for detection of neuraminidase in leukemic leukocytes. In: Proc. of the Third International Symposium on Detection and Prevention of Cancer, New York, April 26?May 1, 1976. New York: Marcel Decker 1977. In press.
4. Arida, E. N., Hultin, T.: Evidence of viral genes in murine sarcoma virus-transformed cells. Xth Meeting of the European Tumor Virus Group, Grindelwald, Switzerland, October 3?7, 1976. Abstracts, p. 8.
5. Arida, E. N., Khadr, M. A.: Effect of some antiviral substances on certain biochemical aspects of virus?cell interactions. 21st Middle East Medical Assembly, American University of Beirut, April 29?May 2, 1971. M.E.M.A. printed matter, p. 17.