1. A. V. Luikov, Heat and Mass Transfer in Drying Processes [in Russian], Gosenergoizdat, 1956.
2. V. V. Krasnikov, Heat and Mass Transfer in Capillary-Porous Materials (Collection of Works of the Physics Department of Moscow Technological Institute of the Food Industry) [in Russian], Gosenergoizdat, 1957.
3. G. K. Filonenko and P. D. Lebedev, Drying Equipment [in Russian], Gosenergoizdat, 1952.
4. V. V. Krasnikov and V. A. Danilov, Abstracts of Proceedings of a Scientific Conference on Progress in Research in Moscow Technological Institute of the Food Industry in 1963?64 and 1964?65 [in Russian], 1965, 1966.
5. V. V. Krasnikov and V. A. Danilov, Khimicheskaya pererabotka drevesiny, no. 8, 1966.