1. Anderson, D. S., Boven, R., Fensham, P. J. and Powell, J. P. (1978). Students in Australian Higher Education: A Study of their Social Composition since the Abolition of Fees, a report to the A.V.C.C., Sydney, T.E.R.C., University of N.S.W.
2. Australian Vice-Chancellors Committee and the Department of Education and Science (1971). The 1961 Study, Canberra: Australian Government Publishing Service.
3. R & D Paper;E. Barrett,1975
4. Barrett, E. (1977). ?First year performance of mature unmatriculated students?, Education Research and Perspectives 4: 13?22.
5. Barrett, E. (1978a). Selecting unmatriculated mature age students - why do some successful applicants fail to enrol? Unpublished paper.