1. Anderson, T. W.An introduction to multivariate statistical analysis. New York: Wiley, 1958. Ch. V.
2. Bartlett, M. S. Tests of significance in factor analysis.Brit. J. Psychol., Statist. Sec., 1950,3, 77–85.
3. Bartlett, M. S. The effect of standardization on aχ 2-approximation in factor analysis.Biometrika, 1951,38, 337–344.
4. Bartlett, M. S. A further note on tests of significance in factor analysis.Brit. J. Psychol., Statist. Sec., 1951,4, 1–2.
5. Bartlett, M. S. Factor analysis in psychology as a statistician sees it.Uppsala symposium on psychological factor analysis. Uppsala, Sweden: Almqvist and Wiksell, 1953. Pp. 23–34.