1. The future of European health care. A study by Andersen Consulting in co-operation with Burson-Marsteller. 1993. London.
2. Segest E. Patients’ dissatisfaction with medical treatment and their reaction.The International Journal of Medicine and Law 1988;7:205–210.
3. Segest E. Physicians can also commit faults.Fadl’s Forlag. K0benhavn, Århus, Odense 1993. pp. 17–20.
4. The Central Administration of the Health Service. (Law No. 397 of 10.6.1987), with later amendment.
5. The Medico-Legal Council, governed by Law No. 60 of 25.3.1961, is under the authority of the Ministry of Justice, has the task of supplying medical and pharmaceutical evaluations to the Public Authorities regarding individual person’s legal standing.