1. K. E. Jackson. R. L. Boitnott. E. L. Fasanella. L. E. Jones and K. H. Lyle, “A History of Full-Scale Aircraft and Rotorcraft Crash Testing and Simulation at NASA Langley Research Center”, Nasa Technical Research Server, NASA TM 20040191337. 2004.
2. R. McGuire. W. J. Nissley and J. E. Newcomb, “Vertical Drop Test of a Fairchild Metro III”, FAA report DOT/FAA/CT-93/1, June 1993.
3. E. L. Fasanella and K. E. Jackson, “Crash Simulation of a Vertical Drop Test of a B737 Fuselage Section with Auxiliary Fuel Tank”, FAA Report, DOT/FAA/AR-02/62. August 2002.
4. A. Stockwell, “Evaluation of Modeling and Simulation Tools and Techniques for an Analytical Study of the Lear Fan Impact Test,” NASA report, CR-2002-211457, March 2002.
5. E. L. Fasanella and K. E. Jackson,“Best Practices for Crash Modeling and Simulation”. Technical Publication NASA/TM-2002-21944. Langley Research center, Hampton, Virginia. Oct 2002.