1. Alonso, W.Location and Land Use. Harvard University Press, 1964 (translated into Japanese by Orishimo I.,Ritchi to Tochirivo, Asakura Shoten, 1972).
2. Berry, B. J. L.Geography of Market Centers and Retail Distribution, Prentice-Hall, 1967 (translated into Japanese by Nishioka H. and othersKouri-Gyo, Saabisu-Gyo no Ritch, Taimei Dou, 1969).
3. Bureau of Statistics1960?1975 Population Census of Japan, Office of the Prime Minister.
4. Christaller, W.Die Zentralen Orte in Süddeutschland, Jena, 1933 (translated into Japanese by Ezawa J.,Toshi no Ritchi to Hatsuten, Taimei Dou, 1972).
5. Galpin, C. J. ?The Social Anatomy of an Agricultural Community,?University of Wisconsin Agricultural Research Bulletin 34, 1915.