1. Argentine Government: Protection of personal data and geolocation. https://www.argentina.gob.ar/noticias/proteccion-de-datos-personales-y-geolocalizacion. Accessed 12 Aug 2020. (In Spanish)
2. Argentine Government: Treatment of personal data in face of the coronavirus (2020). https://www.argentina.gob.ar/noticias/tratamiento-de-datos-personales-ante-el-coronavirus. Accessed 12 Aug 2020. (In Spanish)
3. Brazilian Government: Law 13.709 of August 14, 2018. (Internet Civil Mark) (2018). https://pesquisa.in.gov.br/imprensa/jsp/visualiza/index.jsp?data=15/08/2018&jornal=515&pagina=59&totalArquivos=215. (In Portuguese)
4. Chilean Government – Council for Transparency (CPLT): Can the name of an infected person or an eventual contagion be revealed?, https://www.consejotransparencia.cl/se-puede-revelar-el-nombre-de-una-persona-contagiada-o-de-un-eventual-contagio/. Accessed 12 Aug 2020. (In Spanish)
5. Chilean Government – Council for Transparency (CPLT): CPLT sends recommendations to authorities to ensure adequate protection of personal data collected by its application ”CoronApp” (2020). Accessed 12 Aug 2020. (In Spanish)