1. Alexander, Lewis M, and Lynne Carter Hanson, eds. Antarctic Politics and Marine Resources: University of Rhode Island, 1985.
2. Andersen, Rolf Trolle. “Negotiating a New Regime: How CRAMRA Came into Existence.” Chap. 7 In The Antarctic Treaty System in World Politics, edited by Arnfinn Jørgensen-Dahl and Willy Østreng, 94–109: Macmillan/Fridtjof Nansen Institute, 1991.
3. “The Antarctic Treaty.” https://documents.ats.aq/keydocs/vol_1/vol1_2_AT_Antarctic_Treaty_e.pdf.
4. Antarctic Treaty. Final Report of the Fourth Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting on Antarctic Mineral Resources. Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Wellington), 1988.
5. ———. Final Report of the Sixteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Bonn, 7–18 October 1991. 1991.